OSINT Blog / Post

July 24, 2024

Why I Bet on Skopenow: My Next Chapter in OSINT

As I close out my first month at Skopenow, I found myself reflecting not just on our wins—new customers, new partnerships, and new awards—but also on the path that led me here.

Having begun my career in geospatial analysis, specifically with satellite imagery, I always appreciated the blend of technical knowledge and real-world application. It's been nearly a decade since I transitioned into business development roles for GEOINT organizations, followed by sales leadership roles for OSINT companies. My experience in scaling sales and revenue teams at three distinct and different organizations (that were all acquired) speaks to the dynamic nature of this industry.

At the heart of my previous professional journey was working in agile startup environments where I wore multiple hats. Being a CRO for a rapidly growing business doesn't look like sitting in the ivory tower; it means developing successful sales, marketing, and customer success programs at the ground level with my team members. These roles also weren't just jobs—they were hands-on learning experiences in OSINT. Engaging directly with customers during those years gave me the chance to earn a reputation as someone who works hard to understand problems and then solve them with the right solution.

So, why Skopenow?

First things first, Skopenow’s newest situational awareness innovation, Grid, with its map-based solution for visualizing threats, aligned with my geospatial background. Maps are intuitive and simplify complex data presentations. More importantly, however, in a space that’s often riddled with tool fatigue and data redundancy, Skopenow’s consolidated approach feels revolutionary. In my view, the integration of Grid into Workbench is the most cohesive offering in the industry.

Next, Skopenow's client-centric approach, particularly with government clients, also attracted me to come here. The pride the team takes in nurturing relationships post-sales is genuine and infectious. We assign dedicated, vertical-specific customer success managers to ensure clients aren't just another number; they're partners in our journey. Our direct feedback loops and personal touchpoints make Skopenow even more unique.

Finally, Skopenow's larger mission of modernizing investigations is what made me go all in. Our aim is to provide a turnkey actionable intelligence platform that transcends the often manual workflows holding back the industry today. With Skopenow, the ease of use, UI/UX design, and diversity in data combine to offer a dashboard experience that requires little-to-no training. Our investments in link analysis automation and one-click charts drives home our understanding of user needs.

What’s on the horizon?

I envision Skopenow being the undisputed leader in national security, particularly in assessing geopolitical risk and ensuring the safety of our troops and government personnel. The already significant customer base, including 20% of the Fortune 500 and 50+ government customers, is only the beginning. One of my priorities here is driving even more focus toward government users and enhancing their investigative capabilities.

What truly sets Skopenow apart across the OSINT landscape is its unwavering commitment to innovation. The evolving nature of threat mandates constant foresight and adaptation, and Skopenow is positioned to capitalize based on its platform approach combined with the persistent feedback from its users.

For those considering joining Skopenow or partnering with us, I can attest to its remarkable culture: a blend of camaraderie, professionalism, and growth mindset. In a nutshell, Skopenow seeks to provide a holistic view of an individual's or entity's digital footprint, striving for comprehensiveness without sacrificing data quality.

As we march forward, I'm thrilled to be a part of Skopenow’s journey and trajectory, ensuring that no piece of data slips through the cracks in our mission to modernize investigations with scalable open-source intelligence.

At Skopenow, we understand the importance of staying up-to-date on the latest developments, trends, and techniques in OSINT. Our solutions empower organizations to more effectively and efficiently gather and analyze open-source information, identify trends and patterns in the data, and detect emerging threats and risks. Start unlocking the power of open-source intelligence with a free trial today: www.skopenow.com/try.