Preventing and Investigating Workplace Violence with OSINT

Violence is every workplace’s worst nightmare: it disrupts normally safe work environments and can cause lasting harm to employees and businesses. It’s also shockingly common. Each year, roughly 1 in 125 workers in the United States falls victim to violence while on the job. From physical assaults to harassment and intimidation, workplace violence can…

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Skopenow’s Year in Review: Looking Back at 2022

With 2022 officially behind us, I wanted to reflect on the achievements and milestones of the past year, and say thank you. None of what we at Skopenow accomplished would’ve been possible without the trust and partnership of our clients and colleagues.

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Crime Trends During a Recession

Following the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, economies are slowing down and the world might very well be on the verge of a recession. One may assume that crime increases during difficult financial periods. However, historical data does not clearly suggest that the socioeconomic effects of a downturn market necessarily lead to increased crime…

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Crime Scripts: Interpreting Criminal Decision-Making to Disrupt Crime

To prevent and disrupt crime and disorder at scale, investigators are increasingly utilizing scientific approaches. Problem-oriented policing (POP) is an approach that involves using analytics to identify and understand a specific problem and develop a tailored response.

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Learn About How Social Media Helps Investigations

When it comes to investigations, it’s important that you use all the resources available to you. From physical resources to digital resources, it’s important that you gather all the intel possible. When it comes to finding digital resources, social media is a great tool to help you investigate claims. Here’s what you need to know about how social media…

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